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(ASCD, 2011, Click here to view full scale infographic) |
In the 21st century it
is hard to imagine our lives without social networking sites, as for many of
us, the avid use of websites, like Facebook and Twitter have become an integral
part of our daily routine. It is not
surprising then that the popularity of these sites would also play a vital role
in the lives of our students. Today’s digital learners, eat, sleep, and breathe
technology, and as such “ are in the vanguard of social networking practices” considering
the Internet and use of social media networks as their lifeline to the world
(Solomon & Schrum, 2010; Livingstone, 2008). In fact, “according to a study conducted by
the Washington-based Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project
released in 2010, 73% of American teens age 12-17 now use social media websites,
which is up from the 55% reported in 2006” (Davis, 2010, June). Proving that the use of social networking
sites in the lives of our students, is not a passing trend but here to
By definition, social networking sites are
Internet-based applications that “ allow people to come together around an idea
or topic of interest” (Smith, 2007, April).
As such, schools could use these types of websites as a outlet that would
allow students from all backgrounds and abilities to come together with their
peers to post, discuss, and share their points of view on key educational
topics. For instance, through the use of a blog, students could share their
views about current events happening in the media, and discuss and compare
their thoughts on the topics with the perspectives of students from all over
the world. Why then, in knowing all
this, is the thought of using and granting access to social networking sites as
a tool for learning still considered a taboo subject in most schools?
Like most
new educational initiatives, the role of social media networks as a learning
tool, has been fraught with debate as to whether the sites that promote
socialization have a valid place in the classroom, and if their use will be
beneficial to students and teachers or in fact cause harm to the learning
experience. As a result, a list of both
pros and cons has developed to support both sides of the argument.
The Pros:
Advocates in favor of the use of social
networking networks cite that “ as an educational tool, the use of social media
enriches the learning experience by allowing students and teachers to connect
and interact in new, exciting ways” (Lederer, 2012, January). In fact, schools that have embraced the use
of social media in their classrooms say, “ it has changed the way educators
teach and students learn” (Davis, 2010, June).
As mentioned above, today’s students
“ are experiencing the world through more then just their books and
assignments,” as a result educators are aware that when their students arrive
at school, they bring with them a wealth of knowledge and experience using
social networking technologies to learn (Baker, 2013, February). By integrating
the use of social media networks as a learning tool, educators are able to take
advantage of their students knowledge and interest of using applications like
Edmodo, Twitter, and Facebook, to create an enriched learning environment that will
“foster collaboration and discussion, create meaningful dialogue, allow for an
open exchange of ideas, and boost student interaction” amongst their young
learners (Lederer, 2012, January). In addition, by harnessing the essence of a
tool whose core is based on promoting communication today’s educators have paved
the way for not only communicating with, and understanding their students on a
radically new level in and outside of the classroom, the use of these sites has
also allowed them the means to teach their students how to build better
communication skills.
Finally, in an era where the
learning of 21st century skills has become a vital component to preparing
students for the future, the use of social networking sites in a school serves,
as an outlet for students to an understanding about the role the Internet will
play in their lives once they leave school and enter the workforce. As social
media sites offer students entering the workforce a place from which “to
establish a web presence, post a resume, research a target company or school,
and connect with other job seekers and employers”
The Cons:
Critics and naysayers against
the integration social media networks in schools see the use of these websites first
and foremost as a distraction in the classroom. Some educators against the use
of social media support this belief stating, “that
tools like Facebook and Twitter divert students' attention away from what's
happening in class and are ultimately disruptive to the learning process”
(Lederer, 2012). While other educators
are concerned that “while communicating and sharing online may create a safe
harbor for students who are uncomfortable expressing themselves, students are
missing valuable lessons in real-life social skills” that are learned through
face-to-face interactions in the classrooms (Lederer, 2012).
On a more serious level, critics against the use believe,
“while social networking sites provide a way for students and teachers to
connect, they can also serve as a weapon of malicious behavior” leading to
increased instances of bullying to occur amongst students (Lederer, 2012). In
addition, some experts have also stated that educators who choose to
incorporate the use of social media networks as part of their pedagogical
practice, are in fact “ putting their careers at risk” as communicating with students
on websites like Facebook, could “lead to inappropriate exchanges to occur”
(Davis, 2010, June). Finally, those
against the use of social media believe that schools who chose to allow the use
of social media networking sites need to pay closer attention to federal laws
like the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 and Children Internet
Protection Act, or CIPPA; that have been set up to protect the privacy of student
information and shield them from offensive material, as the use of these types
of websites increase the odds that young learners will be exposed to unforeseen
dangers that could have been avoided.
In closing, it is a well-known
fact, that today’s tech savvy generation conducts much of their life through
social media channels, and as such they are the ones who will decide what tools
allow them to learn best. Therefore, it
is our responsibility as educators to be ambassadors of change in our schools,
embracing the learning opportunities that social networking sites have to offer
our students, while also taking the time to calm the critics out there by
empowering our young learners with the skills they need to know, which includes
teaching them how to communicate with others in a way that is professional,
responsible, but more importantly safe.
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, ASCD
(2011). Students like social media [Infographic]. Retrieved March 13, 2015
from: http://techbusy.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/students-like-social-media-infographic.png
Baker, J. (2013, February). How students benefit from
using social media. Edudemic, Connecting Education & Technology. Retrieved
March 14, 2015 from: http://www.edudemic.com/how-students-benefit-from-using-social-media/
Davis, M. (2010, June). Social networking goes to
school. Education Week. Retrieved March 14, 2015 from: http://www.edweek.org/dd/articles/2010/06/16/03networking.h03.html?tkn=ZRQFx6cjaiCguM0Yi1MT12ekIFTvW4pOVQKk&print=1
K. (2012, January). Pros and cons of social media in the classroom. Classroom
Technology. Retrieved March 13, 2015
from: http://campustechnology.com/Articles/2012/01/19/Pros-and-Cons-of-Social-Media-in-the-Classroom.aspx?p=1
S. (2008). Taking risky opportunities in youthful content creation: Teenagers’
use of social networking sites for intimacy, privacy, and self-expression. New Media and Society, 10(3), 459-477.
Smith, F.
(2007, April). How to use social-networking technology for learning: Why
teachers should embrace networking, and how they can use it to improve
education. Edutopia, The George Lucas
Educational Foundation. Retrieved March 14, 2015 from: http://www.edutopia.org/how-use-social-networking-technology
G. & Schrum, L. (2010). Web 2.0
how-to for educators. Eugene, OR: International Society for Technology in
ReplyDeleteI think you did a great job at the beginning of the post giving some background into the issue. With so many people involved, there really is a great need to delve deeper into the issue of social media in the classroom.
One of the things you mentioned that stuck out to me the most was the pro about preparing our students for their future, at least as far as the technology aspect is concerned. When people apply for jobs today, they no longer walk into the establishment and fill out an application on paper. They search for the company online and fill out an application and attach their resume all online. Not only that, but using social media is a great way to network with potential employers. Even as a student in high school, they can go online and contact someone in a company to find out more information. If the student remains in contact, the company may be able to find them a position when the time is right.
Should social media be allowed in the classroom? To a certain extent I can see it being a valuable tool if implemented correctly. I can see setting up opportunities for students to use it outside of the classroom for collaboration, but to be honest, I am still having a hard time seeing it used IN the classroom on an ongoing basis.
Jillian Robinson